The FLCDC strives to increase affordable housing, identify and implement economic development, alleviate poverty, and be an advocate for the residents in Northwest Fort Lauderdale and Broward County.
The Fort Lauderdale Community Development Corporation adopts an economic development approach that benefits the surrounding community providing resource efficiency in construction, development and operations.

The Fort Lauderdale Community Development Corporation is a certified as a Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) with the City of Fort Lauderdale Housing and Economic Development Division and with Broward County Housing Finance and Community Redevelopment Division.
The FLCDC provides rental housing to 40 families in northwest Fort Lauderdale. It has also acquired, rehabilitated, and sold four single family homes to low-income first-time home buyers. Since 2010 the FLCDC has been awarded over $1,319,455 million to develop affordable housing with CHDO and HOME Grant Funds.